write is for everybody

Write Doe Bay is committed to reshaping the communities we connect with, create, and amplify into those that promote social justice, freedom from oppression, and anti-racism. 

This means creating spaces that push back against all forms of oppression including, but not limited to, racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, homophobia, ageism, and ableism.

We want to make it possible for everyone to participate in our programming. A limited number of scholarships are available toward these ends. Scholarships cover partial tuition, between 30-50%. Please note that accommodation is still booked directly with Doe Bay Resort & Retreat.

While we do not require that scholarship applicants self-identify as members of oppressed or underrepresented groups, we want to provide the option for applicants to note as much in their application if they so choose. 

To apply for a scholarship, email with the subject line “Write Scholarship application”. We ask that applicants please send a .docx or .pdf file of up for 4 pages of writing (any genre).

Please know that there is no “right level” of skill or experience needed to attend Write - rather, we want to get a sense of what’s exciting you, what you’re inspired by, and how you may contribute to the unique and magical alchemy of our workshop groups.

In the same document, please answer the following questions:

  • How would Write Doe Bay support your current writing and artistic journey?

  • Have you attended a multi-day workshop before? If so, which one(s)?

  • Is there anything else you want us to take into consideration in assessing your application?

Scholarships will first and foremost be granted to first-time attendees — be sure to let us know if this is you.